Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Inclus is your go-to solution for enhancing risk management capabilities within your organization. Effective risk management relies on collaborative approaches, shared risk awareness, and collective decision-making. Inclus facilitates meaningful and substantial dialogue, ensuring your key stakeholders are actively engaged.

    Find out more about our 'Six Pillars of Digital Risk Management Maturity' approach here.

  • Inclus offers flexible functionalities for all core elements of a collaborative risk management process. It supports:

    • Risk identification and assessment

    • Visual analysis and decision-making

    • Risk control and treatment

    • Data consolidation

    • Advanced visual analysis

    • Risk monitoring

    Inclus also features built-in Artificial Intelligence (AI) tailored for risk management, powerful data visualization and consolidation tools, and a robust engine for facilitating collaborative analyses.

    Find out more on our 'Product page'.

  • Inclus integrates advanced AI functionalities specifically tailored for risk management. Utilizing state-of-the-art natural language models powered by the Microsoft Azure OpenAI API, our AI capabilities offer a range of creative and analytical tasks, including:

    • Risk and mitigation identification

    • Summarizing outputs from collaborative processes and other resources

    • Crafting executive summaries

    We exclusively use AI providers and models that do not utilize customer data for training or improving their models.

    Learn more here.

  • Yes, Inclus fully aligns with your risk management policy and offers robust support for assessing and processing both inherent and residual risks. Our platform provides a variety of methods to evaluate risks at their initial (inherent) level and after the implementation of mitigation strategies (residual level).

    Key features include:

    • Comprehensive risk assessment tools that cater to both inherent and residual risk analysis.

    • Flexible frameworks that allow customization to fit your organization's specific risk management approach.

    • Advanced analytics and visualization tools to clearly present risk levels before and after mitigation.

    • Continuous monitoring and updating capabilities to ensure accurate and up-to-date risk evaluations.

    By leveraging Inclus, you can ensure a thorough and dynamic risk management process, enhancing your organization's ability to identify, assess, and mitigate risks effectively.

  • Inclus stands out in the realm of organizational risk management by prioritizing stakeholder engagement and shared risk awareness. Our platform provides efficient analytical tools to engage key personnel, analyze risks, and support decision-making at various organizational levels. Inclus uses collaborative and visual analysis methods to gather scattered risk information, enhancing commitment to risk management. With Inclus, you optimize your resources and ensure efficient stakeholder engagement from risk identification through analysis, decision-making, and mitigation, respecting everyone's time and adding value to their work.

    The Six Pillars of Inclus

    1. Collaborative
    Inclus supports time and place-independent collaboration, enabling all necessary experts to contribute to risk management regardless of location or time zone. It facilitates collaboration onsite, digitally, or through hybrid methods, including with business partners and external experts.

    2. Intelligent
    Inclus leverages AI and organizational intelligence to identify risks, provide executive summaries, and offer advanced risk positioning. Our platform combines hard data with crowd intelligence for comprehensive risk analysis and is at the forefront of predictive risk management.

    3. Agile
    Inclus offers a flexible setup and lean operation of risk processes, allowing rapid engagement and adaptation to emerging risks without IT complexity. Real-time updates align with agile and lean operating environments.

    4. Real-time
    Inclus provides dynamic, real-time monitoring with an always-on risk dashboard, giving management an instantaneous view of risks across operations, enhancing responsiveness to uncertainties.

    5. Visual
    Inclus emphasizes visual analysis, offering intuitive, adaptable data representations and seamless reporting. Our platform ensures auditability and presents data by geography, function, and business unit with customizable scales.

    6. Scalable
    Inclus grows with your organization, adapting to increasing scopes and user numbers. It allows for scalable participation across risk domains and supports the expansion from managing threats to exploring opportunities.

  • Yes, Inclus offers extensive capabilities for advanced mathematical calculations and equations. If you can define it, we can calculate it. Even if you're unsure how to define your needs, our team of PhDs, mathematicians, and methodological experts can support you in achieving precise and sophisticated calculations to meet your advanced methodological requirements.

    Criterion formulas allow programming custom formulas for your risk management process, allowing you to calculate complex risk scoring and performance metrics automatically. Indicator formulas allow calculating overall metrics over your entire risk management project, such as total risk scores or total project vulnerability after risk mitigation actions have been accounted for. 

  • Yes, Inclus supports comprehensive risk quantification. Our platform enables collaborative risk and impact assessments where stakeholders provide their best judgments (ex-ante) and incorporates real risk realization costs when such data is available (ex-post). Additionally, Inclus offers templates for Business Impact Analysis (BIA), allowing customers to quantify and model the impacts of business interruptions on critical resources.

  • While Inclus does not have built-in Monte Carlo simulation functionality, it facilitates the collection of valuable input for these simulations. You can use Inclus assessments to gather stakeholders' values for simulation parameters, often providing more reliable data than assumptions alone. By collecting perceptual assessments, you can determine the most likely values and probability distributions for your Monte Carlo simulations, enabling you to build more credible and accurate models.

    Get in touch with our team for further details.

  • Inclus is fully GDPR compliant. All data is handled within the European Union, and we minimise the amount of personally identifiable information recorded within the application. We also provide you with tools to anonymize your collected data to retain it long-term without peronal data included. 

  • Physical Security and Access 

    All servers containing confidential information are housed in secure facilities with strict access controls, currently maintained by Amazon Web Services and Microsoft. Our offices, located in Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland, also feature high-grade physical access controls. Office access requires personal RFID tags and electronic keys, which are refreshed monthly and can be deactivated remotely. 


    All data is encrypted in-transit and at-rest. We take care to use only modern encryption and security standards and ensure that all passwords follow good security standards and are only stored in hashed and salted format in our databases. 


    For our SaaS servers, access to sensitive information is logged, capturing metadata about the accessed objects and the user but excluding customer’s own content. These logs are retained for at least three years.  

  • Yes, Inclus supports seamless integration with your existing risk register. You can easily upload your risk register and initiate online risk assessments with your stakeholders. Alternatively, you can begin by tracking defined mitigation actions. Our experts are available to assist in transforming your risk register into a more collaborative and streamlined workflow.

  • Yes, Inclus allows you to export data in various formats, including CSV, JSON, PDF, spreadsheets, and other commonly used file types. Additionally, we offer APIs for integrating data collected with Inclus into other platforms. For more technical details, please contact us.

  • Yes, you can integrate existing hard data and other data sources into Inclus. Combining this data with expert judgment enhances the overall effectiveness of your risk management. Our experts are available to discuss the specifics and offer guidance on how to seamlessly incorporate your data into your workflow.

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